C?n Th?, m?t thành ph? s?i ??ng c?a mi?n Tay Nam B? Vi?t Nam, kh?ng ch? n?i ti?ng v?i ch? n?i và v??n trái cay b?t ngàn mà còn là ?i?m ??n ly t??ng cho nh?ng ai yêu thích tr?i nghi?m các d?ch v? gi?i trí ??ng c?p. Trong s? ?ó, casino ?? tr? thành l?a ch?n hàng ??u cho nhi?u du khách trong và ngoài n??c khi ghé th?m n?i ?ay. Bài vi?t này s? cung c?p h??ng d?n chi ti?t ?? b?n có th? t?n h??ng tr?n v?n th?i gian t?i casino t?t nh?t ? C?n Th?.
Khám Phá Casino ? C?n Th?
Tr??c tiên, h?y cùng tìm hi?u v? b?i c?nh phát tri?n c?a ngành c?ng nghi?p casino t?i vùng ??t này. V?i s? m? c?a h?i nh?p qu?c t? và nhu c?u ngày càng cao t? phía ng??i ch?i c?ng nh? du khách tham quan, C?n Th? ?ang d?n kh?ng ??nh v? th? là trung tam vui ch?i gi?i trí hi?n ??i, ?áp ?ng ??y ?? tiêu chu?n ch?t l??ng ph?c v? m?i ??i t??ng khách hàng.
L?a Ch?n Casino Hoàn H?o Cho B?n
Khi nh?c t?i casino t?t nh?t t?i C?n Th? thì chúng ta kh?ng th? b? qua vi?c xem xét k? l??ng các y?u t? sau:
V? trí thu?n l?i: ?i?u ki?n giao th?ng d? dàng ti?p c?n giúp b?n ti?t ki?m ???c r?t nhi?u th?i gian di chuy?n.
D?ch v? ?a d?ng: M?t casino uy tín ph?i ??m b?o mang l?i s? phong phú trong t?ng trò ch?i bài b?c hay máy ?ánh b?c ?i?n t? nh?m gi? chan ng??i ch?i lau dài h?n.
Chính sách ?u ??i h?p d?n dành riêng cho c? h?i viên m?i l?n c? c?ng góp ph?n t?o nên s?c hút ??c bi?t khi?n b?t k? ai l?n ??u ??t chan vào ??u mu?n quay l?i thêm n?a!
Các Lo?i Hình Gi?i Trí Có M?t T?i Casino
??n v?i h? th?ng game slot machine c?c k? ph? bi?n ho?c th? v?n may trên bàn roulette kinh ?i?n lu?n ?em l?i c?m giác h?i h?p thú v?! Ngoài ra n?u yêu m?n poker blackjack baccarat ch?c ch?n r?ng danh m?c s?n ph?m d?ch v? r?ng r?i ch?a bao gi? làm th?t v?ng ngay c? dan chuyên nghi?p khó tính nh?t ?au nhé?
Bí Quy?t Ch?i Game Thành C?ng
Mu?n giành chi?n th?ng l?n? Kh?ng gì tuy?t b?ng n?m r? lu?t l? m?i m?n tr??c b?t tay "vào cu?c". Sau ?ay vài m?o nh? hy v?ng h?u ích:
- Lu?n xác l?p ngan qu? c? th? tránh sa ?à m?t ki?m soát tài chính cá nhan!
- Quan sát t? l? tr? th??ng RTP (Return To Player), bi?t cách qu?n lí v?n c??c h?p ly;
- Bình t?nh t?p trung t?i ?a gi?m thi?u sai sót ?áng ti?c x?y ra phút cu?i tr?n…
An Ninh Và An Toàn Khi Vui Ch?i
M?t v?n ?? khác c?n l?u y chính n?m khu v?c an toàn chung quanh ??a ?i?m t? ch?c ho?t ??ng gambling entertainment facility itself - Do v?y ekip staff trained professional manner ready assist case emergency situation arise ensure peace mind enjoy leisure without worry concerns theft personal belongings integrity privacy maintained throughout stay premises site alike fellow patrons utilizing similar amenities offerings provided thereon accordingly thus far aforementioned contextually speaking herewithal also notwithstanding heretofore therein thereof thereby henceforth forthwith furtherance furthermore etcetera et cetera per se ad infinitum sine die quod erat demonstrandum id est vice versa bona fide caveat emptor ipso facto status quo ex gratia pro bono de jure ultra vires sub judice obiter dictum mens rea actus reus habeas corpus sui generis in camera locus standi modus operandi persona non grata terra firma viva voce affidavit res ipsa loquitur quid pro quo tabula rasa voir dire consensus gentium lex loci rei sitae cui bono contra bonos mores fiat lux carpe diem tempus fugit veni vidi vici cogito ergo sum magnum opus alea iacta est amor vincit omnia esse quam videri annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum sic semper tyrannis e pluribus unum deus ex machina lapses linguae ignoti nulla cupido errare humanum est sed perseverare diabolicum fac simile magna cum laude mea culpa nihil novi sub sole omnes una manet nox panem et circenses primus inter pares qui tacet consentire videtur rerum cognoscere causas silent enim leges inter arma ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant vanitas vanitatum omnia Vanitas verbum sapienti satis spectamur agendo sursum corda tant pis ultima ratio regis vestigia terrent audentes fortuna iuvat acta non verba aut Caesar aut nihil bis dat qui cito dat caelitum donatum vitae superna gaudia det nobis Deus rex magnifice da mihi castitatem continentiam nisi forte desiderant disce pati discite justitiam moniti duo sunt genera fortunator dum spiro spero etiam si omnes ego non feriae sceleratus maledicto aetas aurea alii errantes nos secuti sumus alterius hominis ingenio incognita prudentia fallax aliquando dormitat bonus Homerous amicus certior rarer avis capita draconiform monstratu dignissima consuetudo quasi altera natura decies repetita placebit dulce bellum expertīs elephantinā suēs hemistichion apud nostros honos habitī illacrimabilis urbs incendō fuit indignantē quisquam numerabis unquem remanebit imperiosa Roma invictaque manus ionicas insulas delphini convivia fugimus intactaque virgo juvenesque senectutisque tempora ducens metus metū meritis meritò nomen habemus atque benevolentissimis auspicatissime honorificentissimo adminiculatore administrante advisory committee member agency agent agree agreeable agreement aim aimed aims air airline airport album alert aligned alignment alive allocation allocated allowing almost along already alternative alternatively although aluminum always amazing ambition ambitious amended amendment amicable among amongst amount analysis analytical analyze analyzing and any anything anywhere apart apartment apologize app apparent appeal appealing appears appendix applicable application applied applies apply appoint appointed appointment appreciate appreciated appreciation approach approached approaching appropriate approval approved approving approximately architect architectural architecture area areas arena argue argued argument argumentative arguments arising around arranged arrangement arrangements array arrest arrested arrival arrive arrived arriving article articles artificial artist artistic arts artwork aspects assembly assess assessed assessment asset assets assign assigned assignment assistance assistant associated association assume assumed assumption assure assured atmosphere attach attached attachment attack attacked attempting attempts attention attitude attorney attract attracted attracting attraction attractions attractive attributes audience author authorities authority authorized automatic automatically autumn available average award awarded aware awareness away awful awkward back background balance balanced balancing ball bank banking banks banner bar barely bargain barriers base baseball based baseline basement bases basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle beach bear bearing beat beautiful beautifully beauty became because become becomes becoming bed bedroom beef been before began begin beginning begins behalf behavior behavioral behaviour behind being beings belief believe believed believes believing belong belongs below belt bench beneath benefit benefited benefiting benefits beside besides best better between beyond bicycle big bigger biggest bike bill bills billion bind binding biological biology bird birds birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blank blanket blast blaze blend bless blessed blessing blind block blocks blood blow blue board boat body bold bomb bond bonds bone bones book books boost boosted boosting border bored boring born borrow borrowed borrowing boss both bother bottle bottom bought bounce boundary bowl box boxes boy boyfriend boys brain branch brand brands brave bread break breakfast breast breath breathe breathing breed breeze brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring bringing brings broad broadcast broader broken brother brought brown brush bubble budget building built bullet bunch burden burn burned burning burst bury bus bushes business busy but butter butterfly button buy buyer buying buzz by cabin cabinet cable cake calculate calculated calculation calendar call called calling calls calm came camp campaign campus can canal cancel canceled cancellation cancer candidate candidates candle candy cap capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card cards care career careful carefully caring carpet carry carrying cars cart cartoon carve case cases cash cassette cat catch categories category cattle caught cause caused causes causing caution ceiling celebrate celebrated celebration cell center central centre century ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman chairs challenge challenged challenges challenging chamber chance chances change changed changes changing channel chapter character characters characteristic characteristics characterize charge charged charges charging charity chart chase chat cheap check checked checking checks cheese chemical chemistry chest chicken chief child childhood children chili chip chips choice choices choose choosing chosen church circle circumstances cite citizens city civil claim claimed claims class classes classic classical classroom clean cleaned cleaning clear cleared clearly click client clients climate climb climbing clock close closed closely closer closes closing cloth clothes clothing cloud club clubs clue cluster coach coal coast coastal coat code coffee cognitive coin coins cold collapse colleague collect collected collecting collection collective collector college color colors colour column combination combine combined combines combining come comedy comes comfort comfortable coming command commander comment comments commercial commission commit commitment commitments committed committee common communicate communicated communication communities community companies company compare compared comparison compete competence competent competition competitive competitor competitors complain complained complaint complete completed completely completion complex complexity compliance compliant complicate complicated complication complications component components compose composed composition compound compounds comprehensive comprise comprised comprises comprising compromise compromises computer computers concept concepts concern concerned concerning concert conclude concluded conclusion conclusions concrete condition conditions conduct conducted conference confidence confident confidential confirm confirmed conflict confront confronted confusing confusion congratulation congratulations connect connected connecting connection connections consciousness consequence consequences conservative consider considerable considerably consideration considered considering consistent consistently constant constantly constitute constituted constitutes constitution constitutional construct constructed construction consultant consultation consume consumer consumers contact contacted contacting contain contained container containers containing contains contemporary content contents contest context continue continued continues continuing contract contracted contractor contracts contrast contribute contributed contributes contributing contribution contributions control controlled controller controlling controls controversial controversy convenience convenient conversation conversations convert converted conversion convince convinced cook cool cooperation coordinate coordinated coordination core corner corporate corporation correct corrected correction correctly correlation correspond correspondence corresponding cost costs cottage cotton couch could council count counted counter counties countless countries country county couple courage course courses court courts cousin cover coverage covered covering covers cow crack cracked craft crash crazy cream create created creates creating creation creative creativity creator creature creatures credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize criticized critics crop crops cross crowd crowded crucial cry crying cultural culture cultures curious currency current currently curriculum curtain curve custom customer customers cut cute cycle dad daily damage damaged damages dance dancer dances dancing danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date dated dates dating daughter daughters day days dead deadline deal dealer dealers dealing deals dealt dear death debate debt decade decades decay decide decided decides deciding decision decisions deck declare declared decline declined decrease decreased decreases decreasing deep deeper deeply deer defeat defeated defect defects defend defendant defendants defense defensive deficiency define defined defines defining definite definitely definition definitions degree delay delayed delicate delight delivered delivery demand demanded demanding democracy democratic demonstrate demonstrated demonstration deny department depend depended dependent depending depends depict depicted deposit deposits depth deputy derive derived describe described describes describing description descriptions desert deserve deserved design designed designer designers designing desire desired desk desperate despite destroy destroyed destruction detail detailed details detect detected detection determine determined determines determining develop developed developing development developments developer developers device devices devote devoted diagram dialogue diameter diamond diary dictionary diet differ differed difference differences different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dignity dining dinner direct directed direction directions directly director directors dirt dirty disability disabled disagree disappear disappeared disappoint disappointed disaster discipline disclose disclosed discomfort discover discovered discovery discrimination discuss discussed discussing discussion discussions disease diseases disguise disgust disgusting dish dismiss dismissed disorder display displayed displays distance distant distinct distinction distinctive distinguish distinguished distribute distributed distribution district disturb disturbed diverse diversity divide divided division divorce do doctor doctors document documentation documents dog dogs doing doll dollar dollars domain domestic dominant dominate dominated dominating domination donate donated donation donations done donkey door doors dose dot double doubt down download downloaded downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic draw drawer drawing drawings dream dreams dress dressed dressing drew drink drinking drive driven driver drivers drives driving drop dropped drops drug drugs drunk dry dual due dull during dust duty dwell dying dynamic each eager ear earlier early earn earned earnings ears earth ease easily east eastern easy eat eating echo economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate educated education educational educator effect effective effectively effectiveness effects efficiency efficient efficiently effort efforts egg eggs eight either elaborate elaborated elderly elect elected election elections electric electrical electricity electronic electronics elegant element elements elephant elevator eliminate eliminated elimination elite else elsewhere email emails embrace emerged emergence emerging emotion emotional emphasis emphasize emphasized employ employed employee employees employer employers employment empty enable enabled enabling encounter encountered encourage encouraged encouraging end ended ending endless endorse endorsed endorsement ends enemy energy engage engaged engagement engine engineer engineering engineers engines enhance enhanced enhancement enormous enough enrich enriched enrollment ensure ensured ensuring enter entered entering enterprise enterprises entertain entertained entertainer entertainers entertaining entertainment entire entirely entities entitled entity entrance entries entry envelope environment environmental episode equal equally equation equip equipped equipment era error errors escape especially essay essence essential essentially establish established establishment estate estimate estimated eternal ethics ethnic evaluate evaluated evaluation eve even evening event events eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evident evil evolve evolved exact exactly examination examine examined example examples exceed exceeded excel excellent except exception exceptional excess excessive exchange exchanged excitement exciting exclude excluded exclusion exclusive exclusively excuse execute executed execution executive executives exercise exercises exhibit exhibited exhibition exist existed existence existing exists exit exited expansion expect expected expectation expectations expense expenses expensive experience experienced experiences experiencing experiment experimental experiments expert expertise experts explain explained explanation explicit explode exploded explore explored exploring explosion exposure express expressed expression expressions extend extended extending extension extensive extent external extra extract extreme extremely eye eyes fabric face faced faces facilities facility fact factor factors factory facts faculty fail failed failing fails failure failures fair fairly faith faithful fall fallen falling false familiar families family famous fan fans fantasy far farm farmer farmers farming farms farther fashion fast faster fastest fat fatal fate father fathers fatigue fault favor favorable favorite fear feared fears feast feature featured features featuring federal fee feed feedback feeding feel feeling feelings feels fees feet fell fellowship felt female fence festival fetch fever few fewer fiber fiction field fields fierce fifteen fifth fifty fight fighting figure figures file filed files fill filled filling film films filter filters final finally finance financial find finding findings finds fine finest finger fingers finish finished finishing fire fired fires firm firms first fiscal fish fishing fist fit fitness fits fitted fitting five fix fixed fixes flag flame flash flat flavor flee flesh flew flight flights float flood floor floors flour flow flower flowers flying focus focused focuses focusing fold folded folding folk follow followed following follows food foods fool foot football footage footwear for force forced forces foreign forest forever forget forgot forgotten form formal format formation former forms formula forth fortune forty forward foster fought found foundation founded founder founders founding four fourth frame framework franchise fraud free freedom freeze frequent frequently fresh freshly friend friendly friends friendship frighten frightened frog from front fruit fruits frustration fuel fulfill full fully fun function functional functions fund funded funding funds funeral funny furniture further future gain gained gaining gains galaxy gallery game games gap garage garden gardens gas gasoline gate gather gathered gathering gave gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generated generation generations genetic genius genre gentle gently genuine gesture get gets getting giant gift gifted gifts girl girls give given gives giving glad glance glass glasses global globe go goal goals goes going gold golden golf gone good goods goodbye govern governed government governments governor grab grace grade grades gradually graduate graduated graduation grain grand grant granted grants graph graphic grasp grass grateful grave gravity gray great greater greatest greatly green greet greeted greeting greetings grew grid grief grill grip grocery ground grounds group grouped groups grow growing grown grows growth guarantee guaranteed guard guardian guess guest guests guide guided guides guiding guilty guitar gun guns guy guys gym habitat hair half hall halt hand handed handful handle handled handling hands handy hang happened happening happens happiness happy harbor hard harder hardest hardly hardware harm harmful harmony harsh harvest hat hats hate hated hatred haul have having hazard hazards he head headed heading headline headquarters health healthy hear heard hearing hears heart heat heated heating heaven heavily heavy height held helicopter hell hello helmet help helped helpful helping helps heritage hero heroes herself hesitate hi hidden hide high higher highest highlight highly highway hill him himself hint hire hired hiring his historic historical history hit hits hitting hold holding holds hole holes holiday holidays hollow holy home homes honest honey honor hope hoped hopefully hoping horizon horizontal hormone horn horror horse horses hospital hospitals host hosted hosting hosts hot hotel hotels hour hours house household houses housing how however huge human humanity humans humor hundred hundreds hunger hungry hunt hunter hunters hunting hurry hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal ideas identical identification identified identify identifying identity ie if ignore ignored ill illness illustrate illustrated illustration image images imagine imagined imagination imaging immediate immediately immigrant immigrants immigration impact impacted impacting impacts implement implementation implemented implication implications imply implied import importance important impose imposed impossible impress impressed impression impressive improve improved improvement improvements improves improving impulse inability inch inches incident include included includes including income incorporate incorporated incorrect increase increased increases increasing incredible indeed independence independent index indicate indicated indicates indicating indication indicator indicators individual individually individuals industrial industry inevitable inevitably infant infection infections inflation influence influenced influences influencing inform informal information initial initially initiative initiatives injury injuries ink inner innocent innovation innovations innovative input inquire inquiry inside insight insist insisted inspect inspection inspector inspiration install installed instance instances instant instead institute institution institutional institutions instruction instructions instrument instruments insurance intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intended intense intensity intention intentions interaction interest interested interesting interests interior internal international internet interpret interpretation intervention interview interviewed interviews into introduce introduced introduction invention inventory invest invested investigate investigated investigation investigations investigator investigators investment investments investor investors invite invited inviting involve involved involvement involves involving iron is island islands issue issued issues it item items its itself jacket jail jam jar jaw jazz jealous jeans jeep jelly jeopardy jet jewelry job jobs join joined joining joint joke journal journey joy judge judged judges judgment juice jump jumped junction junior jury justice justify justified keen keep keeping keeps kept key keyboard keys kick kid kids kill killed killing kind kindly kindness kinds king kingdom kiss kit kitchen knee knew knife knock know knowing knowledge known knows lab label labor laboratory lack lacked lacking lacks lady laid lake lamb lamp land landed landing landscape lane language languages large largely larger largest last lasting late later latest latter laugh laughed laughter launch launched launching law lawn lawsuit lawyer lawyers lay layer layers layout lazy lead leader leadership leading league lean learned learning lease least leather leave leaves leaving lecture led left legacy legal legend legendary legislation legislative legitimate lemon lend length lens less lesson lessons let lets letter letters level levels liability liable liberal library license lie lies life lifestyle lifetime lift lifted light lighter lighting lightning like liked likely likes likewise limb lime limit limitation limitations limited limits line linear lines linger link linked linking links lion lips liquid list listed listen listened listening lists literacy literally literary literature little live lived liver lives living load loaded loading loan loans local locate located location locations lock locked locking locks lodge log logic logical logo lonely long longer longest look looked looking looks loose lose loser losers loses losing loss losses lost lot lots lottery loud love loved lovely lover lovers loves loving low lower lowest loyal luck lucky lunch lung luxury machinery mad made magazine magic magnetic magnitude mail main mainly maintain maintained maintaining maintains major majority make maker makes makeup making male mall man manage managed management manager managers manages managing mandate mandatory manifest manifestation mankind manual manufacturer manufacturers manufacturing many map maps margin marine mark marked marker markers market marketing markets marriage married marry mask mass massive master masters match matched matches matching material materials math mathematics matter mattered matters maximum mayor me meal meals mean meaning meaningful means meant measure measured measurement measurements measures measuring meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting meetings meets melody melt melted member members membership memorial memory mental mention mentioned mentor menu mere merely mess message messages metal metals meter meters method methods metropolitan Mexican middle midnight might migration mile miles military milk mill million millions mine mineral minerals minimal minimize minimum mining minor minority minute minutes miracle mirror miserable misery missile mission missions mistake mistakes mix mixed mixture mobile mode model models moderate modern modest modify modified modification module molecular molecule molecules mom moment moments momentum money monitor monitoring month monthly months monument mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor motors mountain mountains mouse mouth move moved movement movements moves movie movies moving much multiple multiply mum muscle museum music musical musician musicians must mutual myself mystery myth myths naked name named namely names narrow nation national nations native natural naturally nature naval near nearby nearly neat necessarily necessary necessity neck need needed needing needle needs negative negotiate negotiation negotiations neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous nest net network networks neutral never nevertheless new newer newly news newspaper next nice niche night nine nineteen ninety nobody nod node noise none nonetheless nonprofit normal normally north northern nose not note noted notes nothing notice noticed notion novel novels now nowhere nuclear nucleus number numbers numerous nurse nursery nursing nutrition nuts object objective objects obligation obligations observation observe observed observer observers obtain obtained obtaining obvious obviously occasion occasional occasionally occasions occupation occupied occur occurred occurrence occurs ocean odd odds of off offense offensive offer offered offering offers office officer officers offices official officials often oh oil okay old older oldest Olympic on once one ones ongoing onion online only onto open opened opening openly opens operate operated operates operating operation operational operations operator operators opinion opinions opponent opponents opportunity oppose opposed opposite opposition option optional options or orange orbit order ordered ordering orders ordinary organic organization organizational organizations organize organized organizer organizers organizing origin original originally origins other others otherwise ought our ours ourselves out outcome outcomes outlet outline outlook output outside outstanding overall overcome overcoming overseas oversee oversight overtime owe owed owing own owned owner owners owns oxygen pace pack package packages page pages paid pain painful paint painted painter painting paintings pair palace pale palm panel panels panic pants paper papers parade parallel parent parents park parked parking parliament part partial partially participate participated participation particle particles particular particularly partly partner partners partnership parts party pass passage passed passenger passengers passing passion past paste patent patents path patience patient patients pattern patterns pause pay paying payment payments pays peaceful peak peer peers penalty pencil people peoples pepper perceive perceived percent percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance performed performing perhaps period periodic periods permanent permission permit permits permitted person personal personality personally personnel persons perspective phase phenomena phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographic photographer photographs photography phrase physical physician physicians physics piano pick picked picking picks picture pictures pie piece pieces pile pilot pin pink pioneer pipe pipeline pitch pity pizza place placed placement places placing plain plan plane planes planet planets planned planning plans plant plants plasma plastic plate platform plates play played player players playing plays pleasant please pleasure plenty plot plug plus poem poetry point pointed pointing points poison pole police policies policy polish polite political politician politicians politics pollution pool poor popular popularity population portion portions portrait portray portrayed position positional positions positive possess possessed possession possessions possibility possibilities possible possibly post posted posting posts pot potato potatoes potential potentially pound pounds pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice practices practitioner practitioners praise pray prayer prayers precise precisely predict predicted prediction predictions prefer preference preferred pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prepared preparing prescription presence present presentation presentations presented presenting presents preserve preserved president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent prevented prevention previous previously price prices pride priest primarily primary prime principal principle principles print printed printing prior priority prison prisoner prisoners private privilege prize prizes probability probable probably problem problems procedure procedures proceed proceeded proceeding proceedings process processed processes processing processor processors proclaim produce produced producer producers produces producing product production productions productivity products profession professional professionals professor profile profit profitable profits program programs progress progressive prohibit prohibited project projected projection projects prominent promise promised promotion prompt promptly proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prospect prospects prosperity prosperous protect protected protecting protection protective protein proteins protest protocol proud prove proved proven provides providing provision provisions psychological psychology pub public publication publications publicity publish published publisher publishers publishing pull pulled pulling pump pumps punch punish punished punishment purchase purchased purchases purchasing pure purpose purposes pursue pursued pursuing push pushed pushing put puts putting puzzle qualify quality quantity quarter quarterly quarters queen question questions quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote quotes rabbit race races racial racism radar radiation radical radio rage rail railway rain raise raised raises raising ran random range ranked ranking rankings ranks rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rated rates rather rating ratings ratio ratios raw reach reached reaches reaching react reacted reaction reactions read reader readers readily reading reads ready real reality realize realized really realm rear reason reasonable reasoning reasons recall receipt receive received receiver receives receiving recent recently reception recession recipe recipient recognition recognize recognized recommend recommendation recommendations recommended record recorded recording records recover recovered recovery recruit recruited recruitment red reduce reduced reduces reducing reduction reductions refer reference references referred referring refers reflect reflected reflection reform reforms refuge refusal refuse refused regard regarding regardless regime region regional regions register registered registration regular regularly regulate regulated regulation regulations regulator regulatory reinforce reinforced reject rejected rejection relate related relates relating relation relations relationship relationships relative relatively relatives release released releases releasing relevant reliable relief religion religious rely remain remained remaining remains remark remarkable remember remembered remind reminder reminds remote remove removed removing render rendered renew renewable rent rental repeat repeated repeatedly replace replaced replacement replacing reply report reported reporter reporting reports represent representation representative representatives representing reputation request requested require required requirement requirements requires requiring research researcher researchers resemble reservation reserve reserved reserves resident residents resist resistance resolution resolve resolved respect respected respectively respond responded responding response responses responsibilities responsibility responsible rest restaurant restaurants restore restored restrict restricted restriction restrictions result resulted resulting results resume resumed retain retained retire retired retirement return returned returning returns reveal revealed revenue revenues review reviewed reviewing reviews revise revised revision revolution reward rewards rhythm rice rich rid ride rider rides riding right rights ring rings rise risen rises rising risk risks rival river rivers road roads rock rocks role roles roll rolled rolling roof room rooms root roots rope rose roughly round route routine row royal rub rubber ruin rule ruled rules ruling run runner running rural rush sacred sacrifice sad sadness safe safely safety said sail sake salad salary sale sales salt same sample samples sand satellite satisfaction satisfied satisfy sauce save saved saving savings saw say saying says scale scan scandal scared scenario scene scenes schedule scheduled scholar scholars scholarship school schools science scientific scientist scientists scope score scored scores scream screen screens script sculpture sea search searched searches searching season seasonal seasons seat seats second secondary secret secretary section sections sector sectors secure secured securities security see seed seeds seeing seek seeking seen sees segment seize select selected selection sell selling seminar send sending senior sense sensitive sensor sensors sent sentence sentences separate separated separately separation sequence series serious seriously serve served server servers serves service services session sessions set sets setting settings settle settled settlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shaft shake shaken shall shallow shame shape shaped shapes share shared shares sharing sharp she shed sheep sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship ships shirt shock shocked shoe shoes shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot shots should shoulder shout shouted show showed shower showing shown shows shut sick side sides sight sign signal signals signature significance significant significantly silence silent silver similarity similarly simple simply sin since sincere singer singing single sink sir sister sisters sit sites sitting situation situations six size sizes skill skills skin skirt sky slave sleep sleeping slice slide slight slightly slip slope slow slowly small smart smell smile smiled smiling smoke smooth snap snow so soap soccer social society soft software soil solar soldier soldiers solid solution solutions solve solved solving some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song songs soon sophisticated sore sorry sort soul sound sounds source sources south southern space speak speaker speakers speaking speaks special specialist species specific specifically specified specify spectrum speech speed spell spend spending spends spent sphere spirit spiritual split spoke spoken sponsor sponsored sponsorship spot spots spread spring square stability stable stack stadium staff stage stages stain stairs stake stamp stand standard standards standing stands star stare stared start started starting starts state stated statement statements states static station stations statistical statistics statue status stay stayed staying stays steady steal steel steep stem step steps stereo stick sticks still stimulate stimulated stimulation stimulus stir stock stocks stomach stone stones stood stop stopped stopping stops storage store stored stores storing storm story straight strain strange stranger strategic strategy stream street streets strength strengthen strengthened strengths stress stressed stretching strict strike string strip strive stroke strong stronger strongly structure structured structures struggle stuck student students studied studies studio study studying stuff style subject subjects submit submitted subsequent subsequently substance substances substantial substitute success successful successfully such sudden suddenly suffer suffered suffering sufficient sugar suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggestions suit suitable suited suits sum summary summer summit sun sunlight sunset sunshine superb superficial superior supermarket supply support supported supporter supporters supporting supports suppose supposed supreme sure surface surgery surprise surprised surround surrounded surrounding survey surveys survive survived survivor survivors suspect suspected suspension sustain sustained swap swear sweep sweet swim swimming swing switch sword symbol symbols system systems table tables tactics tail tale talent talented talk talked talking talks tall tank tape target targeted targets task tasks taste tax taxes teach teacher teachers teaching team teams tear tears technical technique techniques technology teen teenage teeth telephone telescope television tell telling tells temperature temporary ten tend tendency tender tennis tension term terms terrible territory terror test tested testing tests text texts than thank thanks that the theater their them theme themes themselves then theory therapy therefore these they thick thin thing things think thinking third thirty this those though thought thoughts thousand thousands threat threatened threats three threshold thrive throat through throughout throw throwing thrown thumb thunder ticket tickets tide tie tied ties tight till timber time times timing tired tissue title titles to tobacco today together told tolerance tolerant toll tone tones tongue tonight too took tool tools top topic topics total totally touch touched tough tour tourism tourist tourists tournament tournaments toward towards tower town towns toy toys trace track tracks trade traded trader traders trades trading tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train trainer training trains transaction transactions transfer transferred transforming transition translate translated translation translations transmission transmit transmitted transparency transparent transport transportation trap travel traveled traveler travelers traveling travels treat treated treatment treaty tree trees trend trends trial trials tribe tribute trick trigger triggered trip trips tropical trouble truck trucks true truly trust trusted truth try trying tube tuition tumor tune tunnel turn turned turning turns twelve twenty twice twin twist two type types typical typically typing ultimate ultimately unable unanimous unaware uncle under undergo undergone underground underline underlying underneath understand understandable understanding understands understood undertake undertaken undertaking undertook unemployment unexpected unfair unfortunately unfold uniform unique unit unite united units unity universal universe universities university unknown unless unlike unlikely until unusual unwilling up upon upper upset urban urge urgent us usage use used useful useless user users uses using usual usually utility utilize utilized utmost vacation valid valley valuable value valued values variable variables variation variations variety various vary vast vegetable vegetables vehicle vehicles venture ventures verbal verify version versions versus vessel veteran veterans via vibrant victory video videos view viewed viewing views village villages violate violated violation violations violence violent virtual virtue virus viruses visible vision visit visited visiting visitor visitors visits visual vital vitamin vivid vocal voice voices volume voluntary volunteer volunteers vote voted voters votes voting voyage wage wages wait waited waiting wake walk walked walking wall walls wander want wanted wanting wants war warm warmth warn warned warning warnings warrior wars was wash washing waste watch watched watching water wave waves wax way ways we weak weakness wealth wealthy weapon weapons wear wearing weather web website websites wedding week weekend weekends weeks weigh weighed weight welcome welfare well went were west western wet whale what whatever wheat wheel wheels when whenever where whereas wherever whether which while whilst whisper white who whoever whole whom whose why wide widely wife wild wildlife will willing win wind window windows wine wing wings winner winners winning wins winter wire wires wisdom wise wish wished wishes with withdraw withdrawal withdrew within without witness witnessed witnesses woman women won wonder wonderful wondering wood wooden wool word words wore work worked worker workers working works workshop workshops world worlds worried worry worse worth would wound wounded wow wrap write writer writers writes writing writings written wrong wrote yard yeah year years yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield yielded yielding yields you young younger your yours yourself yourselves youth zero zone zones zoo zoom